Sundays are for... Ocram Orchestra

Sundays in general are a pivotal part of all lives. For many, they announce the end of a period of relaxation, for others the beginning.The former, acts as a grasp of levity and escapism, the other a breakage from the grip of a banal day to day. Today’s mix is quite special as it encompasses the passion, direction, and style of Ocram Orchestra who guides us through an intensely personal interpretation of the above. This mix adds a layer of reflection and introspection not often seen. Today is Sunday, and the morning is for Ocram Orchestra…

MC Weiwang 味王 feat Ocram Orchestra - song to my friend (unreleased)

Ocram Orchestra – Thunderstorm in Venlo (Huinali Recordings)

Yumi Iwaki - Juniper - Whistling at Night Attracts Snakes (Muzan Editions)

Ocram Orchestra – Isolation (2 weeks of Quarantine mix) Unreleased

Snad – Glimmer (from the forth coming Snad Album)

Vice City – Untitled (unreleased)

Zermög - Sailing Timbiquí River (Huinali Recordings)

Apra – Untitled 1 (unreleased)

Yumi Iwaki - Through the Leaves (Muzan Editions)

Barefoot – Lifeblood (Kizen Records)

Ocram Orchestra – Untitled (Unreleased)

Inhmost - Seven Moves Later (Huinali Recordings)

L’Amour Fou – The Last Call (Smallville Records)